Título: Certificacion
Duración: 3 meses
Precio: $8,000
Modalidad: presencial y distancia
Create Java technology applications with the latest JDK 7 Technology and the NetBeans Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
Enhance object-oriented thinking skills using design patterns and best practices.
Identify good practices in the use of the language to create robust Java applications.
Manipulate files, directories and file systems.
Write database applications using standard SQL queries through JDBC.
Create high-performance, multi-threaded applications.
Create classes that subclass other classes, extend abstract classes and program with interfaces.
Properly use exceptions and the Collections framework.
Develop applications that manipulate files, directories and file systems.
Benefits to You
By enrolling in this course, you'll learn how to boost the productivity, communication and collaboration of your organization. At the same time, you'll develop the knowledge and skills to reduce the cost of application ownership through more efficient development and deployment techniques. Maintain your edge in the job market by staying current with the global standard for developing networked applications.
Dirigido a
Gerentes de TI, Grupos de Soporte de TI, Consultores de TI, Gerentes de Negocio, Encargados de Procesos de Negocio,
Desarrolladores de TI, Proveedores de Servicios, Integradores de Sistemas